
WE built it! We gonna let him take it? Defeat Trumpism.


Undecided voters are swayed by how they view the support for candidates in their neighborhoods, cities, counties, and states.

Don’t leave anything to chance. Don’t underestimate peer pressure. Use it, and influence!  Show your support for US democracy, for US values.  Buy your product of choice and wear or display it prominently. 



What you witnessed at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 is merely a prelude to what will follow.  Imagine how emboldened Trump and his supporters will feel and act if he is reelected.  Our entire country locked down in a state of fear.  This is no way to live.  A few individuals have gamed our system but they do not represent who WE are.  They do not represent the values that built this country.

It’s too late to ask how we got here.  We simply need to do what we can to prevent a nightmare scenario from occurring.